1.At what age does exercise begin to result in strength in boys and girls?

a)between ages 1 and 2
b)between ages 3 and 4
c)between ages 5 and 6
d)between ages 6 and 7

2.Temperatures in child care education setting should be set at __ in the summer and __ in the winter.
a)55 to 65, 65 to 85
b)60 to 63, 70 to 73
c)68 to 72, 65 to 75
d)72 to 80, 70 to 78

3.A child who has to struggle to climb into a chair is confronting a__ hazard.

4.Which diaper meets the American Health Association's standard?
a)diapers composed entirely of paper composite
b)cotton diapers
c)paper diapers with absorbent gelling materials
d)recycled diapers

5.Which of the following should be used to clean in educational or child care facilities?
c)lead chloride
d)mineral spirits

6. Some child psychologists have concluded that __ is the strongest predictor of both scholastic and career achievement.
a)physical illness
b)respect for authority
c)emotional well-being
d)inherited intelligence

7.Blood pressure is a measure of
a)the ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells
b)the pressure exerted by hemoglobin against vascular walls
c)oxygen levels in the blood
d)how hard the heart is working

8.If a child swallows and portion of a poisonous plant, a caregiver should immediately
a)administer syrup of Ipecac
b)call the poison control center
c)use the Heimlich maneuver to help the child cough up the plant
d)have the child lie down and apply cold pressure

9.The most important consideration when installing playground equipment is
c)finishing materials
d)surface materials

My Answers:

Numbers 1& 2 are wrong...it should be D for both

what are the three methods by which HIV and AIDS are usually transmitted

number three is C

1. To determine at what age exercise begins to result in strength in boys and girls, you can refer to child development resources, such as textbooks or reputable websites, that discuss the milestones and physical capabilities of children. One such resource is the American Academy of Pediatrics. According to their guidelines, between the ages of 1 and 2, children start to develop essential gross motor skills, such as crawling, walking, and running, which can contribute to building strength. Therefore, the correct answer is option a) between ages 1 and 2.

2. The ideal temperatures in child care education settings can vary depending on factors such as the age of the children and climate. However, guidelines generally recommend maintaining a comfortable and safe environment within a certain temperature range. To determine the appropriate temperature settings, you can refer to industry standards or regulations, such as those provided by your local government or child care licensing agencies. Option c) 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit in the summer and 65 to 75 degrees Fahrenheit in the winter is a commonly suggested range for child care education settings.

3. To identify the type of hazard a child faces when struggling to climb into a chair, you need to understand the different types of hazards. The options provided are b) physical, c) ergonomic, and d) environmental hazards. A physical hazard refers to any danger that results from the physical characteristics of an object or environment. In this case, the child struggling to climb into the chair indicates that it is a physical hazard. So, the correct answer is option b) physical hazard.

4. To determine which diaper meets the American Health Association's standard, you can research the guidelines or recommendations provided by the association. The American Health Association does not exist, so it is important to rely on credible sources such as the American Academy of Pediatrics or other recognized organizations. A common recommendation is to use diapers that have absorbent gelling materials, which can help keep the baby's skin dry. Therefore, the correct answer is option c) paper diapers with absorbent gelling materials.

5. The choice of cleaning products in educational or child care facilities should prioritize the safety and health of children. To determine which cleaning product should be used, you can consult industry regulations or guidelines, such as those provided by your local government, health departments, or child care licensing agencies. It is important to choose cleaning products that are safe, non-toxic, and effective in killing germs. Bleach is a commonly recommended product for disinfection purposes. Therefore, the correct answer is option a) bleach.

6. To identify the strongest predictor of scholastic and career achievement according to some child psychologists, you need to consider the various factors that may influence these outcomes. The options provided are a) physical illness, b) respect for authority, c) emotional well-being, and d) inherited intelligence. Research in child psychology suggests that emotional well-being plays a significant role in a child's overall development and success in academic and career pursuits. Therefore, the correct answer is option c) emotional well-being.

7. Blood pressure is a measure of the force exerted by the blood against the walls of the blood vessels as the heart pumps it throughout the body. To determine what blood pressure measures, you can refer to medical sources, such as textbooks or reputable websites on cardiovascular health. Blood pressure is not related to the ratio of red blood cells to white blood cells, oxygen levels in the blood, or the intensity of heart activity. Therefore, the correct answer is option d) how hard the heart is working.

8. When a child swallows a portion of a poisonous plant, immediate action is important. To determine the appropriate course of action, you should consult reputable medical sources or guidelines on emergency first aid procedures and poison control. Administration of syrup of Ipecac is generally not recommended anymore, as it may delay appropriate medical treatment. Instead, the most appropriate action is to call the poison control center and follow their instructions. Therefore, the correct answer is option b) call the poison control center.

9. The most important consideration when installing playground equipment is ensuring the safety of children. To determine the primary factor to consider, you can refer to playground safety standards and guidelines provided by reputable organizations. These standards often emphasize the importance of appropriate surface materials that absorb impact, reducing the risk of injuries from falls. Therefore, the correct answer is option d) surface materials.