scale drawing of a right triangle, base= 4ft, height= 2 ft, scale = 1/2 inches = 2ft, finf the area of the scale drawing.

Michelle is making a scale drawing of a building. The scale for the drawing is

1 inch = 6 feet. The height of the building in the drawing is

17 and 1
4 th

inches. Determine the height of the actual building.

To find the area of the scale drawing, we need to first calculate the area of the actual right triangle, and then scale it down using the given scale.

The formula for the area of a right triangle is:

Area = (base * height) / 2

Given that the base of the actual triangle is 4 ft and the height is 2 ft, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Area of actual triangle = (4 * 2) / 2 = 4 square feet

Now, since the scale is given as 1/2 inches = 2 ft, we need to find out what the scale factor is.

Convert 2 ft to inches:
1 ft = 12 inches
2 ft = 2 * 12 = 24 inches

Since 1/2 inches = 2 ft, we can find the scale factor as:
1/2 inches / 24 inches = 1/48

To scale down the area of the actual triangle to the scale drawing, we need to multiply the area by the scale factor:

Area of scale drawing = Area of actual triangle * Scale factor

Area of scale drawing = 4 square feet * 1/48 = 1/12 square feet

So, the area of the scale drawing is 1/12 square feet.

From your data,

A = 1/2 bh

h = 1 in.
b = 1/2 in.

Calculate A.