imaginary population of fruit doves, Half had purple head feathers and half had green head feathers. Describe how natural selection could act upon this population. What change might you see over time? (really need help with this, looked in my textbook i coudnt get it)

Natural selection is a fundamental principle of evolutionary biology that describes how certain traits become more or less common in a population over time. In the case of the imaginary population of fruit doves with half having purple head feathers and the other half having green head feathers, natural selection can act upon this population in several ways.

1. Variation: The population initially has a variation in head feather color, with some individuals having purple feathers and others having green feathers. This variation is the raw material for natural selection to work upon.

2. Fitness: Fitness is a measure of an individual's reproductive success. In this case, the fitness of fruit doves might be influenced by factors such as camouflage, mate preference, or competition for resources.

3. Selection Pressure: Natural selection acts upon a population when some individuals are better adapted to their environment and have higher fitness than others. In this case, selection pressure might favor one color of head feathers over the other, depending on factors like the environment, predation, or mate selection.

4. Differential Reproduction: Individuals with certain traits that provide an advantage in terms of survival or reproduction are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. This is called differential reproduction. In the case of our fruit doves, individuals with a particular color of head feathers that offers a survival advantage might have more offspring, resulting in an increase in the frequency of that trait in the population.

5. Time: Over time, with continued natural selection, there might be a change in the proportion of fruit doves with purple or green head feathers in the population. If one color of feathers confers a significant advantage in survival or reproduction, it is likely to become more prevalent in the population, while the other color may decrease.

It's important to note that the specific changes in the fruit dove population will depend on the selection pressures at play. For example, if purple head feathers provide better camouflage in the environment, fruit doves with purple feathers may be more likely to survive and reproduce, gradually increasing the proportion of purple-headed individuals in the population. However, if there are changes in the environment or other factors, selection pressures could shift, leading to different outcomes.