I need help coganting the verb ir.Please can some give me examples of how it is used in a sentence.

Would help if you gave the tense but here you go.

Ir- Present Tense
Yo- Voy
Tu- Vas
El Ella Ud.-Va
Nosotros- Vamos
Vosotros- Vais
Ellas Ellos Uds.- Van
Ir- Preterite
Yo- Fui
Tu- Fuiste
El Ella Ud.-Fue
Nosotros- Fuimos
Vosotros- Fuisteis
Ellas Ellos Uds.- Fueron
They go to the store.
Ellos van a la tienda

I went to the movie
Fui a la pelicula

Please don't forget the accent marks. If y ou don't know how to make them, we need to know 2 things:

1) do you have a PC or a MAC
2) do you have a Windows program or not

Aside from the accent marks, Keaton has provided the Present Indicative (Spanish I) and the Preterit, one of 2 Past Tenses, usually Spanish II).


Certainly! The verb "ir" in Spanish means "to go". Here are a few examples of how it is used in sentences:

1. Yo voy a la tienda. (I am going to the store.)
2. Tú vas al parque. (You are going to the park.)
3. Él/ella va a la escuela. (He/she is going to school.)
4. Nosotros vamos al cine. (We are going to the movie theater.)
5. Ellos/ellas van de vacaciones. (They are going on vacation.)

To conjugate the verb "ir" in the present tense, you would use the following forms:

- Yo voy (I go)
- Tú vas (You go)
- Él/ella va (He/she goes)
- Nosotros vamos (We go)
- Ellos/ellas van (They go)

I hope these examples help you understand how to use the verb "ir" in context!