Carl hired 6 people to work in his shipping department for a week at 12 hours a day. However, after working only 6 hours on the third day, the work was completed. How many hours of wages does Carl owe to the workers?

He worked 6 people 12 hours for two days, and 6 people 6 hours a day..

manhours: 6x12x2 + 6*6

To find out how many hours of wages Carl owes to the workers, we need to calculate the total number of hours worked. Let's break it down step by step:

1. Calculate the total number of hours each worker would have worked for the entire week:
- Each person was hired for a week, which consists of 7 days.
- Each day, they worked for 12 hours, so one person would work a total of 7 * 12 = 84 hours for the week.

2. Multiply the total number of hours each worker would have worked by the number of workers hired:
- Since Carl hired 6 people, the total hours worked by all individuals would be 6 * 84 = 504 hours.

3. Determine how many hours were actually worked:
- Given that after working for only 6 hours on the third day, the work was completed, we need to subtract the remaining hours of the week from the total hours worked.
- After 3 days (48 hours), the work was already completed, so the remaining days (4) would not require any additional hours beyond the initial 48.
- In total, the actual hours worked are 48 hours.

4. Calculate the hours Carl owes to the workers by subtracting the actual hours worked from the total hours worked:
- The hours Carl owes to the workers can be found by subtracting the actual hours worked (48) from the total hours worked (504): 504 - 48 = 456 hours.

Therefore, Carl owes the workers a total of 456 hours of wages.