Can you please check these sentences on Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde? Thank you.

1) In Chapter ten Dr. Jekyll came to the realization of the primitive duality of man (the human soul?). He admitted that man was not truly one but two.
2) He was sure that if he could separate his two identities, he would be able to enjoy both lives without guilt or shame.
3) Well before his scientific discoveries he had daydreamt of separating the two natures of human soul, one wholly good and one wholly bad, by housing them in separate identities.
4) For this purpose (?) he used a particular salt, and added it to other components and watched them boil.
5)Finally, when the ebullition had subsided, he drank off the potion. After drinking it, he suffered horrible agonies: the most racking pangs, a grinding in the bones, deadly nausea and a horror in the spirit.
6)When these agonies began to subside,he came to himself as if out of a great sickness.

3) the two naturs of the human soul

5) he drank the potion.

The things in parentheses are OK.


3) Well before his scientific discoveries, he had daydreamed of separating the two natures of human soul, one wholly good and one wholly bad, by housing them in separate identities.

Note the comma added and the spelling corrected.

1) The first sentence seems grammatically correct and accurately describes a key moment in the story of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. It mentions that Dr. Jekyll comes to realize the duality of man and admits that man is not one but two. However, there is a question mark after "human soul" which suggests uncertainty about whether this term is appropriate.

2) The second sentence states that Dr. Jekyll believed that if he could separate his two identities, he could live both lives without guilt or shame. This sentence conveys Dr. Jekyll's motivation for seeking a solution to his inner conflict.

3) The third sentence talks about how even before his scientific discoveries, Dr. Jekyll had daydreamt of separating the two natures of the human soul into separate identities – one good and one bad. This sentence provides some background information about Dr. Jekyll's long-standing desire to explore the duality of human nature.

4) The fourth sentence seems incomplete and lacks clarity. The purpose of using the particular salt is not clearly stated. To improve this sentence, it would be helpful to add more information about what Dr. Jekyll intended to achieve with this salt or how he planned to use it.

5) The fifth sentence describes Dr. Jekyll's experience after consuming the potion he created. He undergoes intense physical and mental distress, including racking pangs, bone grinding, nausea, and a horror in the spirit. This sentence captures the severe consequences of his experiment.

6) The final sentence explains that after the agonies subsided, Dr. Jekyll regains consciousness and feels as if he is emerging from a severe illness. This sentence highlights the aftermath of his experiment and sets the stage for further developments in the story.