Can someone please help me with these four questions?

My first is to discuss a little about American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century.

My second question, why was this policy adopted?

My third question, how was it rationalized?

My fourth question is to discuss the major events of this time. What countries of the world did the United States become involved in due to this policy?

Thanks in advance!

These sites should help you.

Certainly! I'd be happy to help you with these four questions. Let's break them down one by one:

1. American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century
American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century refers to the expansionist policies pursued by the United States during the 1800s. It involved the acquisition of territories and influence beyond the continental borders of the United States. These efforts aimed to establish economic and political dominance in specific regions around the world.

To discuss American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century, you can mention specific examples such as the annexation of Texas and the Mexican-American War, the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii, the Open Door Policy in China, and the Spanish-American War.

2. Reasons for Adopting Imperialism
The adoption of imperialism by the United States during the Nineteenth Century was driven by several factors, including economic motives, nationalism, and the desire for global influence and power.

Economically, imperialism provided access to new markets and resources, which were seen as vital for continued economic growth and industrialization. It allowed the United States to tap into raw materials, expand production, and generate profits.

Nationalism played a role as well. Expansion was believed to be a sign of national greatness and the spread of American culture and values. Some viewed it as their duty to "civilize" and bring progress to other societies.

3. Rationalization of American Imperialism
The rationalization for American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century was typically justified by a mix of economic, political, and social reasons. Supporters argued that it was necessary to protect American interests, secure trade routes, and maintain national security. They sometimes viewed imperialism as bringing stability, order, and development to regions perceived as inferior or in need of guidance.

Racial and cultural superiority also played a role in rationalizing imperialism. Some believed that the United States had a duty to "civilize" and uplift other nations, imposing their own values and institutions upon them.

4. Major Events and Countries Involved
American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century led to the involvement of the United States in several countries around the world. Some noteworthy events include:

- The Mexican-American War (1846-1848), which resulted in the acquisition of California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, and parts of Colorado, Wyoming, New Mexico, and Texas.
- The Spanish-American War (1898), which resulted in the United States gaining control over territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.
- The annexation of Texas (1845) and the subsequent Mexican Cession after the war.
- The acquisition of Alaska from Russia in 1867.
- The involvement of the United States in China through the Open Door Policy, which aimed to secure equal trading rights for all nations.

These are just a few examples, but they highlight the major events and countries that the United States became involved in due to the policy of American Imperialism in the Nineteenth Century.

I hope this helps you with your questions! If you have any further queries or need more information, feel free to let me know.