A topic statement is made up of a limited topic and a writer's point about the limited topic?

True Or False.

Which of the following is a realistic attitude about writing?

A) Writing is an unbearably difficult activity
B) Writing is a natural gift
C) Writing is hard work
D) Writing cannot be compared to skills like driving, typing or preparing a good meal.

What are your answers?



A topic statement, also known as a thesis statement, is a concise summary of the main point or argument of an essay or research paper. It consists of two main components: the limited topic and the writer's point about the limited topic.

The limited topic refers to the specific subject or aspect that the writer will focus on within the broader scope of the overall topic. It helps narrow down the essay's subject matter to a more manageable and specific concept.

The writer's point, on the other hand, expresses their stance or perspective on the limited topic. It provides a clear statement of their main argument or thesis, outlining what they aim to prove, explain, or persuade the reader about within their writing.

To create a topic statement, one must identify the limited topic they wish to address and then formulate a concise statement that conveys their argument or main point about that topic. It should be clear, specific, and tailored to the specific requirements of the essay or research paper.