(a) Calculate [NO2] at each time interval, based on [O2]. Assume initial [NO2] = 0.0 mol/L.

how do i calculate NO2 at this time intercal

so when t= 600s O2 in mol/l = 0.0021

To calculate the concentration of NO2 ([NO2]) at a given time interval based on the concentration of O2 ([O2]), you first need to know the reaction that relates the two species. Assuming a simple reaction where O2 is converted to NO2, the balanced chemical equation could be:

2NO2 ⇄ 2NO + O2

Next, you need the rate equation that describes the relationship between the rate of the reaction and the concentration of reactants. Let's say the rate equation for this reaction is:

Rate = k[O2]^2

Where k is the rate constant.

Now, to calculate [NO2] at a specific time interval, you need additional information such as the initial concentration of O2, the rate constant (k), and the reaction conditions. Since you have provided the initial [NO2] (0.0 mol/L), we assume that the reaction starts with no NO2.

However, without the value of the rate constant (k) or the reaction conditions, it is not possible to provide an exact value for [NO2] at a specific time interval. The rate constant can vary depending on factors such as temperature, pressure, and the presence of catalysts.

If you have additional information, such as the rate constant (k) or the reaction conditions, please provide them. Then we can help you calculate the concentration of NO2 at the given time interval.