Which of the following individuals is thought to be driven by intrinsic needs?

A. Cheerleader
B. A junior varsity basketball player

I wouldn't generalize on these persons. Both have needs external and internal.

Now, what if both of these persons were the same person (I had a cheerleader daughter who was a bb player)? Would that mess up your teachers sterotypes?

Since both roles can involve great extrinsic reinforcements, it is hard to say. Even though the junior varsity player might have more intrinsic motivation, because s/he is not on the varsity, the motivation might be to get on the varsity and the extrinsic rewards that go with it.

Maybe this will help.


To determine which of the following individuals is thought to be driven by intrinsic needs, we need to have an understanding of what intrinsic needs are and then analyze the characteristics of each individual.

Intrinsic needs refer to internal motivations, desires, or drives that come from within an individual. These needs are not influenced by external factors such as rewards or recognition. People with intrinsic needs are typically motivated by personal satisfaction, enjoyment, or a sense of personal accomplishment.

Let's analyze the characteristics of each individual to determine who is more likely to be driven by intrinsic needs:

A. Cheerleader: Cheerleading involves supporting a sports team, performing and engaging with the crowd. While there may be personal enjoyment or satisfaction associated with being a cheerleader, it is also likely that external factors such as team success or recognition play a role in motivation. Cheerleaders may also be motivated by the social aspect of being part of a team.

B. A junior varsity basketball player: Being a basketball player, especially at the junior varsity level, requires continuous practice, skill development, and dedication. While external factors such as team success or recognition may influence motivation, individuals who are driven by intrinsic needs are more likely to focus on personal improvement, the enjoyment of playing the sport, and the sense of accomplishment obtained by developing their skills.

Based on these characteristics, it is more likely that the junior varsity basketball player would be driven by intrinsic needs.