Write a system of equations to solve- Kay sells athletic shoes aat a store. She can either earn $500 per month plus 4% commission on her tial sales, or $400 per month plus a 5% commission on total sales.

then B. What is the total price of the athletic shoes she needs to sell to earn the same income from each pay scale?

What is the first question?

Let x = price of shoes.

B. 500 + .04x = 400 + .05x

Solve for x.

To solve this problem, we need to set up a system of equations by considering the two different pay scales.

Let's first find the equation for the first pay scale:
Income = $500 + 4% of total sales

The equation for the second pay scale is:
Income = $400 + 5% of total sales

Since we want to find the total price of athletic shoes that will yield the same income for both pay scales, we can set these two equations equal to each other.

Therefore, the system of equations would be:
$500 + 0.04x = $400 + 0.05x

In this system, x represents the total sales of athletic shoes. We can solve this system to find the value of x.
