A worm up a wall 20 feet high. Each day he climbs 5 feet at night he slips down 4 feet. How many days will it take the snail to get to the top of the wall. Thanks help!

Day 1: 0 + 5 - 4 = 1 foot

Day 2: 1 + 1 = 2 feet

And so on.

However -- watch what happens on day 15.

20 days:)

Hamza is wrong.

Make a chart as I did.

Watch what happens on day 16.

Hint: It goes up 5 feet a day.

To find out how many days it will take for the worm to reach the top of the wall, we can break down the problem step by step.

1. Calculate the net distance climbed by the worm in one day.
The net distance climbed by the worm in one day is the difference between the distance climbed during the day and the distance slipped down at night.
Net distance climbed = distance climbed during the day - distance slipped down at night
Net distance climbed = 5 feet - 4 feet = 1 foot per day.

2. Calculate the number of days needed to cover the remaining distance.
The total distance the worm needs to cover is 20 feet.
To calculate the number of days needed, we can divide the total distance by the net distance climbed per day.
Number of days = Total distance / Net distance climbed per day
Number of days = 20 feet / 1 foot per day = 20 days.

Therefore, it will take the worm 20 days to reach the top of the wall.