how do i write a decimal and a fraction to show what part of a dollar one penny represents

Decimal: 0.01

Fraction: 1/100

Both of these show that there are 100 pennies in a dollar.

It represents 0.01 or 1/100. Your welcome

To write a decimal and a fraction to show what part of a dollar one penny represents, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the fraction to a decimal:
- A penny represents 1/100th of a dollar, so the decimal representation is 0.01.

Step 2: Write the fraction:
- The fraction representation is 1/100.

Therefore, one penny represents 0.01 (decimal) or 1/100 (fraction) of a dollar.

To show what part of a dollar one penny represents, you can write it as a decimal or a fraction.

To write it as a decimal:
1 penny represents $0.01, so the decimal representation is 0.01.

To write it as a fraction:
Think of a dollar as 100 cents, so one penny is 1/100 of a dollar. Therefore, you can write it as the fraction 1/100.

Both the decimal and fraction representations are correct, and you can choose the format that suits your needs or preferences.