why is betsy ross an important person??

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She played a role in the making of the first flag of the United States, supposedly at the request of George Washington. It now appears that there were several places making that flag at about the same time. Her role in the design seems to have been mainly the suggestion of five-pointed rather than six-pointed stars.

There may be more legend than truth to the whole story. Her role in the making of the flag was first publicized about 100 years later, at the 1876 centennial.

Betsy Ross is considered an important person in American history because she is widely credited with creating the first American flag. She was a skilled seamstress and it is believed that in June 1776, she was approached by George Washington, George Ross, and Robert Morris, who asked her to create a flag for the newly formed United States. While there is some debate about the exact details and extent of Betsy Ross' involvement in the flag's design, her story has become a symbol of American patriotism and the spirit of the Revolutionary War era.

To find more information about Betsy Ross and why she is considered an important person, you can explore various sources such as books, historical websites, and articles. These sources often include historical accounts, biographies, and primary sources that can shed light on Betsy Ross' contributions to American history. Additionally, you can also visit museums or historical sites dedicated to the American Revolution, as they often provide further insights into the significance of Betsy Ross' role in the creation of the American flag.