how is the best way to create a celtic artefact from an everyday object

I think I'd use a large chunk of styrofoam (that can be carved) or papier mache.

I'd make homemade clay using flour.,or.&um=1&ie=UTF-8&source=univ&sa=X&ei=u2duTcuBLImatweorrSNDw&ved=0CDoQsAQ&biw=994&bih=636

To create a Celtic artifact from an everyday object, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Celtic Artifacts: Study different types of Celtic artifacts to understand their design elements, symbolism, and materials used. This will help you get inspiration and create an authentic piece.

2. Choose an Everyday Object: Select an everyday object that you want to transform into a Celtic artifact, such as a wooden box, jewelry, or a metal item. Consider the material, size, and shape of the object as it will affect your design.

3. Plan your Design: Sketch out your design on paper, incorporating Celtic knotwork, spirals, animals, or other traditional Celtic symbols. Decide on the placement of these elements on your object and ensure they are appropriate for the shape and size you're working with.

4. Prepare the Object: Clean and prepare your chosen object for modification. Remove any existing paint, finish, or debris that may impede the creation process.

5. Materials and Tools: Gather the necessary materials and tools based on your design and the object you are modifying. This may include paint, paintbrushes, wood carving tools, metal etching tools, or other art supplies.

6. Implement the Design: Using the materials and tools you've gathered, start implementing your design onto the object. This could involve carving, painting, etching, or sculpting. Take your time and pay attention to detail to ensure an authentic and visually appealing result.

7. Finishing Touches: Once you've completed the main design, consider adding additional embellishments or aging techniques to give your artifact an authentic Celtic feel. This could involve distressing the paint or applying an antiquing glaze.

8. Seal and Protect: To preserve your Celtic artifact, apply a protective coat over the finished design. This may involve using varnish, sealant, or wax, depending on the material of the object.

Remember, creating a Celtic artifact from an everyday object requires creativity, patience, and attention to detail. Take inspiration from Celtic art while infusing your unique artistic interpretation.