A computer costs $799. To add memory it costs $25 for 8 megabytes. How much memory can you add if you have at most $1,000 to spend.


You can add 8 * 8 = 64 megabytes.

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To solve this problem, we need to determine how much memory can be added within the budget of $1,000.

First, let's calculate the maximum amount of money we can spend on memory. We subtract the cost of the computer from our budget:

Budget for memory = Total budget - Cost of computer = $1,000 - $799 = $201

Next, let's determine how many units of memory can be purchased with this amount. Each unit of memory costs $25 for 8 megabytes. We can calculate the number of units as follows:

Number of units = Budget for memory / Cost per unit = $201 / $25

To find the amount of memory, we need to multiply the number of units by the amount of memory per unit:

Amount of memory = Number of units × Memory per unit = (Budget for memory / Cost per unit) × Memory per unit

Substituting the values we have, the equation becomes:

Amount of memory = ($201 / $25) × 8 megabytes

Simplifying further, we get:

Amount of memory = (8/25) × $201 megabytes

Evaluating the expression, we find:

Amount of memory ≈ 6.48 × $201 megabytes

Therefore, you can add approximately 6.48 megabytes of memory to the computer within your budget of $1,000. However, since memory is typically sold in whole numbers, you would likely be limited to adding 6 or 7 megabytes of memory depending on the product's specifications.