____ is the code of acceptable behaviors users should follow while on the Internet; that is, it is the conduct expected of individuals while online.


The term you are referring to is "Netiquette". Netiquette is a set of guidelines or rules that governs proper behavior on the internet. It outlines the conduct expected of individuals when interacting with others online. These rules are designed to promote respectful and considerate behavior while engaging in digital communication.

If you are seeking specific examples of netiquette guidelines, here are a few common ones:

1. Use appropriate language and tone: Avoid using offensive or abusive language when communicating online. Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation to ensure clear communication.

2. Respect others' privacy: Do not share personal information about others without their consent. Respect individuals' online privacy and refrain from invading it.

3. Be mindful of your tone: When communicating online, it's important to remember that others cannot see your body language or hear your tone of voice. Be mindful of how your words may come across and consider using emoticons or emojis to convey tone.

4. Be cautious with sharing: Think before sharing anything online. Avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information online, such as passwords, addresses, or financial details.

5. Don't spam or send unsolicited messages: Avoid sending irrelevant or excessive messages, advertisements, or promotions to others. Respect their time and only communicate when necessary or appropriate.

6. Stay on topic: When participating in online discussions or forums, ensure that your contributions are relevant to the topic at hand. Avoid derailing conversations with unrelated or unnecessary comments.

These guidelines, along with others, help foster a positive and productive online environment where individuals can communicate effectively and respectfully with each other.