amelia gets 4 points for each correct answer and loses 1 point for each worng answer. One her last quiz she earned 50 points and answered 25 questions. write a system of equations

to do what?

c = number of correct answers

Amelia gets 4 points for each correct answer so...
4c = how many points she gets from answering correctly

Points deducted = 1(25-c)
25 is number of questions

Let's define the variables:

Let C represent the number of correct answers.
Let I represent the number of incorrect answers.

According to the given information, we know that:

1) Amelia gets 4 points for each correct answer, so the number of points earned from correct answers is 4C.
2) For each wrong answer, Amelia loses 1 point, so the number of points lost from incorrect answers is 1I.
3) The total number of questions answered is given as 25.
4) The total number of points earned is given as 50.

Based on the above information, we can write the equations:

Equation 1: C + I = 25 (The total number of questions answered is 25)
Equation 2: 4C - I = 50 (The total number of points earned is 50)

These two equations together form the system of equations that represents the given situation.