square root xyz cubed.



This can be written as,
((xyz)^(1/2))^3 = (xyz)^(3/2)

To find the square root of xyz cubed, we first need to understand the concept of exponentiation and square roots.

Exponentiation is the process of raising a number to a certain power. For example, xy means multiplying x by itself y times.

In this case, we have xyz cubed, which means multiplying xyz by itself three times: (xyz) * (xyz) * (xyz).

To find the square root of this expression, we need to find a number that, when multiplied by itself, gives us the original expression xyz cubed.

The square root of xyz cubed can be written as √(xyz)^3. Since the exponent is 3, we can take the square root of each individual factor (x, y, z) and raise them to the power of 3 divided by 2.

So, the square root of xyz cubed is equal to √(x^3 * y^3 * z^3), which simplifies to x^(3/2) * y^(3/2) * z^(3/2).