In 1984 by George Orwell, what do the 3 slogans (war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery) mean?

I would like to know what EACH suggests about the society. And how is the society able to get people to accept them as logical. I was thinking that they chose contradictory words intentionally as a method of confusion so that people will accept their words without question

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In the novel '1984' by George Orwell, the three slogans "war is peace, ignorance is strength, freedom is slavery" serve as powerful tools of propaganda by the ruling Party. Each slogan suggests a different aspect of the dystopian society depicted in the book.

1. "War is peace": This slogan suggests that perpetual warfare and the constant threat of external enemies help maintain a sense of unity and purpose within the society. The Party manipulates the concept of war to create a false sense of patriotism and to divert attention from the internal problems of the society. By associating war with peace, the Party convinces its citizens that sacrificing personal freedom and enduring hardship are necessary for the collective good.

2. "Ignorance is strength": This slogan implies that the less individuals know and understand, the stronger and more content they will be. The Party seeks to eliminate independent thought and critical thinking by controlling and manipulating information. By promoting ignorance as strength, the Party discourages intellectual curiosity and challenges to their authority. The society's acceptance of this slogan allows the Party to maintain strict control over its citizens' access to knowledge and information.

3. "Freedom is slavery": This slogan seeks to redefine the concept of freedom entirely. It argues that true freedom – the freedom of thought, action, and choice – is itself a form of slavery because it leads to chaos, conflict, and individual discontent. By equating freedom with slavery, the Party aims to eradicate any desire for personal autonomy and convince citizens that embracing complete obedience to the Party's rules and doctrines is the only path to true contentment.

As for how the society is able to get people to accept these slogans as logical, your intuition is right. The Party intentionally employs contradictory words and concepts to confuse and manipulate individuals. By presenting these contradictory slogans as indisputable truths, the Party discourages critical thinking and fosters a sense of cognitive dissonance. This method aims to suppress individual reasoning and encourage blind acceptance of Party propaganda. Additionally, the Party controls all forms of information dissemination, brainwashes its citizens from an early age, and employs psychological manipulation tactics to ensure conformity and obedience.