daily language practice-correct the sentences and rewrite them correctly on the lines. circle subject and underline predicate. Finally, circle the correct type of sentence. The number of corrections is in parentheses.

Ex: He discovered the dog in it's garden tomorrow? (3)

statement question command exclamation

In the example,

correction: Will he discover the dog in its garden tomorrow?
subject: He
predicate: will discover the dog in its garden tomorrow
type: question

To correct the sentence and rewrite it correctly on the lines, follow these steps:

1. Identify the subject of the sentence and circle it.
2. Identify the predicate of the sentence and underline it.
3. Rewrite the sentence correctly on the lines.
4. Finally, circle the correct type of sentence.


(Original sentence)
He discovered the dog in it's garden tomorrow? (3)

1. Subject: He (circle the subject)
2. Predicate: discovered the dog in it's garden tomorrow (underline the predicate)
3. Corrected sentence: He will discover the dog in his garden tomorrow.
4. Type of sentence: question (circle the correct type of sentence)

Note: The original sentence contains three errors, and they are corrected with the following changes:
- "it's" is changed to "his" to show possession.
- "tomorrow" is moved to the correct position in the sentence.
- The verb tense of "discovered" is changed to "will discover" to indicate the future action.