According to the doctrine of judicial restraint, the judiciary should

a. defer to the decisions of elected officials.
b. deny most appeals for retrials.
c. deny individual rights when they conflict with the majority’s desires.
d. decline to make any decision that requires judges to give added meaning to the words of the Constitution.
e. conform to the will of the people as measured by public opinion polls.

is it A?

You're probably right, but I don't like the way this answer is worded.

okay thank you

No, it is not A. According to the doctrine of judicial restraint, the judiciary should not necessarily defer to the decisions of elected officials. Judicial restraint refers to an approach where judges should interpret the Constitution based on the original intent of the framers and defer to the elected branches of government unless there is a clear violation of the Constitution. This doctrine promotes limited judicial intervention and emphasizes the interpretation and application of existing laws rather than creating new ones.

So the correct answer is (d) decline to make any decision that requires judges to give added meaning to the words of the Constitution.

According to the doctrine of judicial restraint, the judiciary should defer to the decisions of elected officials. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the concept of judicial restraint and its objectives.

Judicial restraint is a legal philosophy that advocates for judges to exercise self-restraint and limit their own power in interpreting and applying the law. It suggests that judges should not make law or policy decisions, but rather defer to the decisions made by elected officials, who are accountable to the people through the democratic process.

The central idea behind judicial restraint is that elected officials, such as legislators and executives, are the proper branches of government to make public policy decisions, while judges should primarily focus on interpreting and applying the law rather than imposing their own personal beliefs or preferences.

Therefore, the answer to your question is a. defer to the decisions of elected officials, as it aligns with the principle of judicial restraint.