How many words can i write that are related to the base word image? Notice whether you have added prefixes or suffixes to the base

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Enter image* (including the asterisk) and press Enter

Go through the list and see what you find.

Do the same thing except put the asterisk before the word: *image

To determine how many words you can write that are related to the base word "image" by adding prefixes or suffixes, you can break down the word and explore various word formations. Here are some common prefixes and suffixes that can be added to the base word "image":

- Re-: Reimage
- Pre-: Preimage
- Un-: Unimage
- Mis-: Misimage
- Dis-: Disimage

- -s (plural): Images
- -ed (past tense): Imaged
- -ing (present participle): Imaging
- -able (capable of being): Imaginable
- -er (comparative): Imagery

By utilizing combinations of these prefixes and suffixes, you can come up with a variety of words related to the base word "image". Additionally, you can further expand your word list by considering variations in spelling or alternative forms.