i have a piece of paper 22 in. long and 16 in. wide. i cut a 2 in. x 2 in. square from each corner. i then folds up the sides and forms a box with an open top. what is the volume of this box?

Since you cut a 2 in. x 2 in. square from each corner, you'll get a 2 in. height

The volume of the box will then be:
Vol = length x width x height
= 22 x 16 x 2
= 704 in^3
Note: the volume is the same for all cases, regardless of the condition of the lid (closed/open)

Since you cut a 2 in. x 2 in. square from each corner, you'll get a 2 in. height

Length now becomes = 22 - 4 = 18 in.
Width now becomes = 16 - 4 = 12 in.
The volume of the box will then be:
Vol = length x width x height
= 18 x 12 x 2
= 432 in^3
Note: the volume is the same for all cases, regardless of the condition of the lid (clos

To find the volume of the box, we first need to determine its dimensions after the corners are cut and the sides are folded.

Length of the paper = 22 inches
Width of the paper = 16 inches

Since we are cutting 2 inches from each corner, the dimensions of the base of the box (after folding) would be:
Length of base = Length of paper - 2*2 inches (two 2-inch corners are cut from both ends)
Width of base = Width of paper - 2*2 inches (two 2-inch corners are cut from both ends)

Length of base = 22 inches - 2*2 inches = 22 inches - 4 inches = 18 inches
Width of base = 16 inches - 2*2 inches = 16 inches - 4 inches = 12 inches

Now, the height of the box would be the length of the corner that was cut off, which is 2 inches.

Therefore, the volume of the box can be determined by multiplying the dimensions of the base and the height:
Volume = Length of base * Width of base * Height
Volume = 18 inches * 12 inches * 2 inches
Volume = 432 cubic inches

Hence, the volume of the box is 432 cubic inches.