draw me an indifference curve where someone does not value integrity very much compared to income

Sure! To draw an indifference curve where someone does not value integrity very much compared to income, we need to understand what an indifference curve represents.

Indifference curves are graphical representations that show different combinations of two goods or attributes that provide the same level of satisfaction or utility to an individual. In this case, we are looking at the trade-off between integrity and income.

To begin, let's label the x-axis as income and the y-axis as integrity. The indifference curve will be downward sloping, meaning that as income increases, the person is willing to sacrifice integrity.

To draw the indifference curve, follow these steps:

1. Start with a low level of income on the x-axis and a low level of integrity on the y-axis.
2. Plot a point on the graph representing this combination.
3. Move to a higher level of income on the x-axis while decreasing the level of integrity.
4. Plot another point on the graph representing this combination.
5. Continue this process, connecting the plotted points with a smooth curve.

The resulting indifference curve will slope downward, indicating that as income increases, the person is willing to trade away integrity. The steeper the curve, the less value the person places on integrity compared to income.

Remember, the shape of an indifference curve is subjective and may vary depending on individual preferences.