simplify the expression below


3x^2y - xy + 17xy^2

3x^2 y - 5xy + 12x y^2 - 5x y^2 - 4xy

3x^2 y + 7x y^2 - 9xy

12xy + 2y


To simplify the expression (3x^2y-5xy+12xy^2)-(5xy^2+4xy), follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the negative sign to each term inside the second parentheses:
(3x^2y - 5xy + 12xy^2) - 5xy^2 - 4xy

Step 2: Combine like terms. Let's group the like terms together:
(3x^2y - 5xy - 4xy) + (12xy^2 - 5xy^2)

Step 3: Combine the like terms within each group:
-5xy - 4xy = -9xy
12xy^2 - 5xy^2 = 7xy^2

Step 4: Put the two groups back together:
-9xy + 7xy^2

Therefore, the simplified expression is -9xy + 7xy^2.

To simplify the expression (3x^2y-5xy+12xy^2)-(5xy^2+4xy), we can combine like terms.

First, let's distribute the negative sign to the terms inside the parentheses:

= 3x^2y - 5xy + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2 - 4xy

Now, let's combine the like terms. Like terms are terms that have the same variables raised to the same powers:

The terms 3x^2y and -5xy both have the variable x and y raised to the power of 1. So, we can combine them:

= (3x^2y - 5xy) + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2 - 4xy

= (3x^2y - 5xy - 4xy) + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2

= 3x^2y - 9xy + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2

Similarly, we can combine the terms -9xy and 12xy^2, as they both have the variable x raised to the power of 1 and y raised to the power of 2:

= (3x^2y - 9xy + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2)

Finally, we have simplified the expression to:

= 3x^2y - 9xy + 12xy^2 - 5xy^2