I was wondering if anyone has read the novela "Aura" by Carlos Fuentes. If so I am writing a paper about what the purpose was for the use of magic in the story. I think that magic was used in order to seduce the main character Felipe. I think that the creation of Aura was magic and the rabbit could represent magic. My question is what other things in the story represented magic?


Several articles here may give you more ideas to use.

To understand the purpose of the use of magic in Carlos Fuentes' novella "Aura," it's essential to first explore the story and its symbolism. While I can't directly tell you what other things represented magic in the novella, I can provide you with guidance on how to analyze the text and identify elements that may symbolize magic. Here's a step-by-step approach you can follow:

1. Read the novella: Start by thoroughly reading the novella "Aura" to familiarize yourself with the narrative, characters, and events. Pay attention to any instances where supernatural or otherworldly phenomena occur.

2. Analyze the main character: As you mentioned, Felipe, the main character, is seduced by Aura, a young woman who seemingly possesses magical powers. Consider how her character is portrayed, her actions, and the effects she has on Felipe. Reflect on how magic as a theme is related to her presence and influence.

3. Identify symbolic elements: Look for symbolic elements beyond Aura herself. Consider objects, animals, or locations that may represent magic or suggest mystical qualities. For example, does the house in which the story takes place possess any magical attributes? Is there any significance to the rabbit you mentioned, beyond its representation of magic? Scrutinize details in the text that could hold symbolic power.

4. Examine narrative elements: Analyze the overall narrative structure, plot development, and writing techniques employed by Fuentes. Pay attention to the use of ambiguity, dreams, illusions, or other literary devices that can create a sense of magic or magical realism.

5. Explore thematic connections: Consider the broader themes and messages of the novella. How does the incorporation of magic enhance or contribute to these themes? Look for connections between the use of magic and concepts such as power, desire, illusion, or the pursuit of the unattainable.

By undertaking these steps, you should be able to identify additional elements in "Aura" that represent or symbolize magic. Remember to support your analysis with specific evidence from the text and use critical thinking to develop your interpretations.