how do you get the symbolism of a short story?

Understanding the symbolism in a short story involves careful reading and analysis of its elements. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to grasp the symbolism in a short story:

1. Read the story: Start by reading the entire short story to gain a general understanding of the plot, characters, and setting. Pay attention to any details that stand out or seem significant.

2. Identify recurring motifs: Look for patterns or recurring elements throughout the story. This could include specific objects, actions, or images that appear multiple times. These repetitions often carry symbolic significance.

3. Consider the title: Reflect on the title of the short story. Sometimes, it can provide clues or hints about the underlying symbolism. Think about how the title connects to the overall themes or messages of the story.

4. Analyze characters: Examine the main characters and their traits, actions, and interactions. Think about how their behavior or characteristics might symbolize larger ideas or represent certain qualities or values.

5. Pay attention to setting: The story's setting can also hold symbolism. Consider the time period, geographical location, or specific places described. These details may carry symbolic meanings or reflect the story's themes.

6. Examine objects and actions: Look closely at any objects or actions described in the story. Ask yourself what they might symbolize beyond their literal meaning. For example, a storm might symbolize turmoil or conflict, or a butterfly could represent freedom or transformation.

7. Analyze themes and messages: Consider the overall themes and messages conveyed by the story. Symbolism often helps to reinforce these themes or convey deeper meanings. Reflect on how the objects, actions, or characters' traits relate to the larger ideas explored in the story.

8. Re-read and discuss: After identifying potential symbols, reread the story with these interpretations in mind. Look for further evidence or connections that support your understanding of the symbolism. Discuss your findings with others to gain different perspectives and insights.

Remember, symbolism can be subjective, and different readers may interpret a short story's symbolism in various ways. Trust your analysis, but remain open to different interpretations, as long as they are supported by evidence from the text.