I need to write a Reading Response to "Why We Crave Horror Movies" by Stephen King. I need help figuring out the theme to the essay.

To determine the theme of an essay, you can follow a step-by-step process:

1. Read the essay: Begin by carefully reading "Why We Crave Horror Movies" by Stephen King. Pay close attention to the content, ideas, and points made by the author.

2. Identify the main ideas: Take note of the main arguments, examples, or anecdotes that Stephen King presents in the essay. Consider the central message he's trying to convey.

3. Analyze the author's tone: Evaluate the author's attitude or tone throughout the essay. Look for any consistent patterns, feelings, or emotions conveyed by Stephen King.

4. Reflect on the essay's purpose: Consider why King wrote the essay and what message he intended to share with readers. Think about any insights or revelations the essay offers about human nature, society, or culture.

5. Look for recurring motifs or patterns: Identify any recurring themes, symbols, or motifs in the essay that Stephen King uses to strengthen his arguments or to create a deeper meaning.

6. Summarize the essay's main points: Write a brief summary of the essay, highlighting the main ideas and arguments presented by the author.

7. Formulate the theme: Based on your analysis and understanding of the essay, come up with a concise statement that captures the overarching theme or message of "Why We Crave Horror Movies" by Stephen King.

Remember that themes can vary depending on the interpretation, so it's essential to provide evidence from the text to support your chosen theme.