What moral is the fondness of war related to?

I'm trying to sum it up in a concise phrase or word but I can't think of the right one. Ambitiousness? Belligerent?


Belligerent is good. Also -- war-mongering, aggressive, neo-con.


The moral or ethical concept related to the fondness of war can vary depending on the perspective and context. However, two common concepts that can capture this idea concisely are "militarism" and "aggression."

1. Militarism: This term refers to a belief in the importance of military power and the glorification of war. It typically encompasses notions of aggression, expansionism, and the use of force to solve conflicts. Militarism often emphasizes the need for military strength and may prioritize military actions over peaceful resolutions.

2. Aggression: This term describes a proactive, hostile, or forceful behavior that involves initiating or provoking conflicts. It is characterized by a willingness to use force or violence to achieve one's goals. A fondness of war can be seen as an expression of aggression, where conflict and confrontation are embraced rather than avoided.

Both terms highlight different aspects of the moral or ethical implications associated with the fondness of war. Militarism emphasizes the institutionalized and cultural support for war, while aggression focuses on the individual temperament or mentality that drives one's preference for armed conflict.