Lake Kickapoo, TX, is approximately 12 km in length by 2.5 km in width.

The inflow for the month of April is 3.26 cubic meter per second, and the outflow is 2.93 cubic meter per second. The total
monthly precipitation is 15.2 cm and the evaporation is 10.2 cm. The seepage is
estimated to be 2.5 cm. Estimate the change is storage during the month of April.

Convert evaporation, rainfall and seepage to cubic meters by multiplying the appropriate level changes (in meters) by the lake area (in square meters)

Then use

Storage level change =
(Inflow) - (outflow) + (precipation) - (seepage) -(evaporation)

Thanks, I wasn't converting to cubic meters. Now I got it!!!!!!

To estimate the change in storage during the month of April, we need to consider the inflow, outflow, precipitation, evaporation, and seepage.

First, we need to calculate the area of Lake Kickapoo:
Area = Length x Width
Area = 12 km x 2.5 km
Area = 30 km²

Next, we need to convert the precipitation, evaporation, and seepage into volume:
Volume = Area x Height
Precipitation volume = 30 km² x 15.2 cm
Precipitation volume = 456 km³

Evaporation volume = 30 km² x 10.2 cm
Evaporation volume = 306 km³

Seepage volume = 30 km² x 2.5 cm
Seepage volume = 75 km³

Now, we can calculate the net inflow for the month:
Net inflow = Inflow - Outflow
Net inflow = 3.26 m³/s - 2.93 m³/s
Net inflow = 0.33 m³/s

Since we have converted the precipitation, evaporation, and seepage into volume, we can add or subtract them from the net inflow to calculate the change in storage:
Change in storage = Net inflow + Precipitation volume - Evaporation volume - Seepage volume
Change in storage = 0.33 m³/s + 456 km³ - 306 km³ - 75 km³

Now, let's convert the change in storage into the same unit:
1 km³ = 1,000,000,000 m³
Change in storage = 0.33 m³/s + (456 - 306 - 75) km³ x 1,000,000,000 m³/km³
Change in storage = 0.33 m³/s + 75 km³ x 1,000,000,000 m³/km³
Change in storage = 0.33 m³/s + 75,000,000,000 m³/s
Change in storage = 75,000,000,000.33 m³/s

Therefore, the estimated change in storage during the month of April is approximately 75,000,000,000.33 cubic meters per second.

To estimate the change in storage during the month of April, we need to calculate the net water input into the lake.

First, let's convert the measurements to a consistent unit. We'll convert kilometers to meters and centimeters to meters:

Length: 12 km = 12,000 meters
Width: 2.5 km = 2,500 meters
Total precipitation: 15.2 cm = 0.152 meters
Evaporation: 10.2 cm = 0.102 meters
Seepage: 2.5 cm = 0.025 meters

Next, we calculate the net water input by subtracting the outflow from the inflow:

Net water input = Inflow - Outflow
= 3.26 m³/s - 2.93 m³/s
= 0.33 m³/s

To determine the change in storage, we need to calculate the volume of water that entered or left the lake. We can do this by multiplying the net water input by the number of seconds in a month:

Change in storage = Net water input * Number of seconds in a month

To calculate the number of seconds in a month, we need to consider the number of days and the number of seconds in a day. Since there are different lengths of months, we'll assume an average month of 30.44 days (365 days divided by 12 months) and multiply it by the number of seconds in a day:

Number of seconds in a month = Number of days in a month * Number of seconds in a day
= 30.44 days * 24 hours * 60 minutes * 60 seconds
≈ 2,629,248 seconds

Substituting the values into the equation:

Change in storage = 0.33 m³/s * 2,629,248 seconds
≈ 866,257.84 m³

Therefore, the estimated change in storage during the month of April is approximately 866,257.84 cubic meters.