if today is tuesday and i first bent over backwords 563 days ago, then on which day did I first bend over backwords? sat,wed, tues or friday?


To determine on which day you first bent over backwards, we first need to find out which day of the week it was 563 days ago.

To do this, we can use the concept of modular arithmetic. The Gregorian calendar repeats every 400 years, so we can observe a pattern that repeats every 400 years. We know that 400 years is evenly divisible by 7 (the number of days in a week), so we can conclude that the days of the week also repeat every 400 years.

Now, let's break down the problem. Starting from today being Tuesday, we need to count backwards 563 days. We can represent each day of the week using numbers from 0 to 6, where Sunday is 0, Monday is 1, Tuesday is 2, and so on.

To find the day of the week that was 563 days ago, we can calculate 563 modulo 7. This will give us the remainder when 563 is divided by 7.

563 modulo 7 = 6

Now that we have the remainder, we can count 6 days backwards from Tuesday.

Tuesday (2) - 6 = Wednesday (1)

Therefore, you would have first bent over backwards on a Wednesday.