Vector A points to the north and has length A. Vector B points to the east and has length 2.5A. Find the direction of C= 7.4A+B Express your answer as an angle relative to east.

C=7.4A N + 2.5A East

mag c= A sqrt(7.4^2+2.5^2) figure that out.

Angle= arctan 7.4/2.5 N of E

71 degrees N of E

To find the direction of vector C, we will use trigonometry. Let's break vector C into its horizontal and vertical components.

The horizontal component of vector C (Cx) is equal to the horizontal component of vector B plus the horizontal component of vector C:

Cx = Bx + Cx

The vertical component of vector C (Cy) is equal to the vertical component of vector A plus the vertical component of vector B:

Cy = Ay + By

Given that vector B points to the east, it has no vertical component (By = 0) and its horizontal component (Bx) is equal to its magnitude (2.5A).

Therefore, we have:

Cx = 2.5A + Cx
Cy = Ay + 0

Next, we can use the Pythagorean Theorem to relate the lengths of vector C to its horizontal and vertical components:

C^2 = Cx^2 + Cy^2

Substituting the expressions for Cx and Cy:

C^2 = (2.5A + Cx)^2 + Ay^2

Expanding and simplifying:

C^2 = (6.25A^2 + 5Ax + x^2) + Ay^2

Since the magnitude of vector A is A, we can write:

C^2 = 6.25A^2 + 5Ax + x^2 + Ay^2

Now, let's solve for the direction of vector C. We can use the tangent function:

tan(theta) = Cy / Cx

Substituting Ay for Cy and (2.5A + Cx) for Cx:

tan(theta) = Ay / (2.5A + Cx)

Rearranging the equation:

tan(theta) = Ay / (2.5A + Cx)

tangent(theta) = Ay / (2.5A + x)

Therefore, the direction of vector C, relative to east, is given by:

theta = arctan(Ay / (2.5A + x))

θ = arctan(Ay / (2.5A + x))

Please note that the values of Ay and x depend on the specific values of vector A, which are not provided in the question.

To find the direction of the vector C, we can break it down into its components relative to the east (x) and north (y) directions.

Let's start by assigning a coordinate system. We'll use the positive x-axis as east and the positive y-axis as north.

Given that vector A points north, it has no component along the x-axis (east). Therefore, the x-component of A is 0.

The given vector B points east and has a length of 2.5A. This means the x-component of B is 2.5A, and the y-component of B is 0.

To find the components of the vector C, we need to multiply each component of A and B by their scaling factors.

The x-component of C is given by:
Cx = (scaling factor for A) * (x-component of A) + (scaling factor for B) * (x-component of B) = 7.4A + 1*(2.5A) = 7.4A + 2.5A = 9.9A

The y-component of C is given by:
Cy = (scaling factor for A) * (y-component of A) + (scaling factor for B) * (y-component of B) = 7.4A + 0 = 7.4A

Now we have the x-component (9.9A) and the y-component (7.4A) of vector C.

To find the angle of C relative to the east (x-axis), we can use the inverse tangent (arctan) function:

θ = arctan(Cy/Cx) = arctan((7.4A)/(9.9A))

θ = arctan(7.4/9.9)

Now you can use a calculator or computer software to find the arctan of 7.4/9.9, which gives you the angle in radians or degrees relative to the east.