. List two ways to begin putting aside money for investments. You can often save money by making small changes. Share one tip you think may help save some money in the long-run.

Pack your lunch at home instead of eating out every day (assuming you work).

Bring a thermos of coffee to work instead of stopping at Starbucks.

Spend less.

Consider whether you really NEED: all of the specialty coffees, the latest fashions or gadgets; restaurant meals; prepackaged, frozen meals. Save and use coupons. Use less heat and air conditioning. Walk or use public transportation instead of driving everywhere.

GMTA, Helper! :-)

Two ways to begin putting aside money for investments are:

1. Set up automatic savings: One way to start putting aside money for investments is to set up an automatic savings plan. This can be done by instructing your bank to automatically transfer a certain amount from your checking account to a separate savings or investment account each month. By automating the process, you are less likely to spend the money that could have been saved for investments.

2. Create a budget: Another way to save money for investments is by creating a budget. This involves tracking your income and expenses and finding areas where you can cut back or save money. By knowing where your money is going, you can make better decisions about saving and investing.

Now, for a tip to help save money in the long-run, one strategy is to reduce discretionary spending. These are the expenses that are not necessary for basic survival, such as dining out, entertainment, or impulse purchases. By making small changes, like eating out less frequently, cutting back on subscription services, or being mindful of unnecessary purchases, you can save a significant amount of money over time. It may take some discipline, but even small savings in these areas can add up and provide more money to put towards investments in the long run.