IT TAKES 60oz of grass seed to seed 2400ft^2 of lawn. at this rate, how much will be needed for 4400ft^2 of lawn?

Use direct proportions:

60oz for 2400 sq.ft
X oz for 4400 sq.ft
Cross multiply:
X=60*4400/2400=110 oz.

To find out how much grass seed is needed for 4400ft^2 of lawn, we can set up a proportion based on the given information.

Let's calculate the grass seed needed for 2400ft^2 first:

Grass seed (oz) / Lawn area (ft^2) = Grass seed needed (oz) / Lawn area (ft^2)

60 oz / 2400 ft^2 = Grass seed needed / 4400 ft^2

To find how much grass seed is needed for 4400ft^2, we can solve for "Grass seed needed."

Cross multiplying, we get:

60 oz * 4400 ft^2 = 2400 ft^2 * (Grass seed needed)
264000 oz * ft^2 = 2400 ft^2 * (Grass seed needed)

Divide both sides by 2400 ft^2:

264000 oz * ft^2 / 2400 ft^2 = Grass seed needed

This simplifies to:

110 oz = Grass seed needed

Therefore, it will take 110 oz of grass seed to seed a 4400ft^2 lawn.

To find out how much grass seed is needed for 4400ft^2 of lawn, we can set up a proportion using the given information.

First, let's establish the ratio of the area to the amount of grass seed needed. We know that 60oz of grass seed is required for 2400ft^2 of lawn. This can be expressed as:

60oz / 2400ft^2

To find out how much grass seed is needed for 4400ft^2 of lawn, we can set up the proportion:

60oz / 2400ft^2 = x / 4400ft^2

To solve for x, cross-multiply:

2400ft^2 * x = 60oz * 4400ft^2

2400x = 60 * 4400

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 2400 to solve for x:

x = (60 * 4400) / 2400

x ≈ 110 oz

Therefore, approximately 110 ounces of grass seed will be needed for the 4400ft^2 of lawn.