Can a contour line on a topographic map connect a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a point with an elevation of 110 feet? Explain why or why not.

Each line will only connect to the point that matches with the elevation of that certain line,

so i want a proper answer?!

Yes, a contour line on a topographic map can connect a point with an elevation of 100 feet to a point with an elevation of 110 feet. A contour line represents points on a map that share the same elevation. Contour lines are usually drawn at regular intervals, such as every 10 feet, to depict changes in elevation.

In this case, if each contour line on the topographic map represents a 10-foot increase in elevation, there would be a contour line at 100 feet and another at 110 feet. Since the point with an elevation of 100 feet is below the point with an elevation of 110 feet, the contour line for 100 feet would be drawn below the contour line for 110 feet, connecting these two points.

To determine if a contour line connects two points on a topographic map, you need to check if both points share the same elevation and if the contour interval allows for the representation of their difference in elevation.


Each contour line connects only those points at the same elevation.