What would be the effect on satellites now in orbit if the earth stopped rotating

There would be no effect on the satellites themselves, but satellites that were former synchronous (always above the same place on earth) would not stay at the same place in the sky, as seen from the ground. This would disrupt satellite TV and some communicate systems on earth.

There would be even more serious problems on earth below, as the length of a day suddenly became one year. Winters would be very cold indeed.

If the Earth were to suddenly stop rotating, it would have several significant effects on satellites in orbit.

First, the trajectory of the satellites would be altered. Satellites are placed in specific orbits that take into account the rotation of the Earth. If the Earth stopped rotating, the satellites would no longer be moving with the Earth's rotation and their paths would be disrupted. This could send them into different orbits or even cause them to collide with other satellites or space debris.

Second, the lack of rotation would affect gravity. The centripetal force from the Earth's rotation helps to counteract the force of gravity, allowing satellites to maintain their orbits. If the Earth stopped rotating, this counteracting force would vanish, and the satellites would experience a stronger gravitational pull. This could potentially cause them to lose altitude and eventually reenter the Earth's atmosphere.

Finally, the sudden stop in rotation would also have seismic effects on Earth's surface. This could lead to major shifts and changes in the Earth's crust, causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and other geological disturbances. These events could potentially have indirect impacts on satellites, such as damaging ground-based communication infrastructure or affecting satellites' ability to communicate with Earth.

To sum up, if the Earth stopped rotating, satellites would be affected by changes in their trajectory, increased gravitational pull, and potential disruptions caused by seismic events.