when comparing the force that is required to climb a mountain walking up a trail that slopes gently upward to the top verses getting there by scaling a sheer vertical face, which of the following is true?

(a) you use more force for a giving movement on the walk than on the climb, walking up the trail forces you to cover a greater distance,
(b)but the amount of force needed to cover a given distance will be loss,(c)scaling the vertical cliff while dangerous uses less force that going the gentler way around,
(d) the distance covered is the same either way but scaling the cliff is harder because you are working against gravity

the answer is B

To determine which option is true when comparing the force required to climb a mountain by walking up a trail versus scaling a sheer vertical face, let's analyze each option:

(a) "You use more force for a given movement on the walk than on the climb; walking up the trail forces you to cover a greater distance."

To assess this option, we need to consider the force required for a given movement in each scenario. In general, when walking on a gentle upward slope, you need to exert force to counteract gravity and move forward. On the other hand, scaling a sheer vertical face involves exerting more force to counteract gravity since you are working directly against it. The statement that walking up the trail forces you to cover a greater distance is not relevant to comparing the forces required, so this option is not accurate.

(b) "But the amount of force needed to cover a given distance will be less."

This option suggests that the amount of force needed to cover a given distance will be less when scaling a sheer vertical face. However, it is contrary to the concept of working against gravity. Typically, more force is required to cover the same distance when scaling a vertical cliff due to the increased effort needed to overcome gravity. Therefore, this option is not true.

(c) "Scaling the vertical cliff, while dangerous, uses less force than going the gentler way around."

This option states that scaling the vertical cliff uses less force than using the gentler way around. This statement is not correct because scaling a vertical cliff typically requires more force to overcome gravity, as discussed earlier. Therefore, this option is not true.

(d) "The distance covered is the same either way, but scaling the cliff is harder because you are working against gravity."

This option correctly captures the relationship between the distance covered and the force required. Whether you choose to walk up the trail or scale the cliff, the distance covered remains the same. However, scaling the cliff is considered harder because you must exert more force to work against gravity. Therefore, option (d) is true.

In conclusion, the correct statement is option (d).