Match the root with its meaning. Match the items in the left column to the items in the right column.

1. sect cut
2. graph write
3. tang talk or knowledge
4. log wise, wisdom
5. sophcut touch

1. sect cut

2. graph write
3. tang talk or knowledge
4. log wise, wisdom
5. soph touch

The first two are right. I don't know what 3, 4 and 5 are -- "tang talk?" "log wise?" "sophcut?"

If you've tried to copy and paste, but it hasn't worked, then you'll need to type everything in.

Using the chart of word roots, determine the roots of the words below.

Root Meaning
soph wise, wisdom
log talk, knowledge, reason
sect cut
graph write
plic, ply fold
doc, doct teach
tact, tang, ting touch
man, manu hand
Example: photograph, photosynthesis, photon: photo

plywood, implicit____. ____.

To match the roots with their meanings, you need to analyze the meaning of each root and then find the corresponding definition from the given options.

1. sect - The root "sect" typically refers to cutting or dividing.
2. graph - The root "graph" usually means write or draw.
3. tang - The root "tang" is commonly associated with talk or knowledge.
4. log - The root "log" often signifies wise or wisdom.
5. soph - The root "soph" suggests knowledge or wisdom.

Matching the roots with their meanings:

1. sect - cut
2. graph - write
3. tang - talk or knowledge
4. log - wise, wisdom
5. soph - touch (since "sophcut" is not a recognized root, it cannot be accurately matched)

Therefore, the correct matches are:

1. sect - cut
2. graph - write
3. tang - talk or knowledge
4. log - wise, wisdom
5. (No match for "sophcut")

sorry it dosn't want to let me put the question on write