How do i do glide reflection on a graph?

example. which glide reflection could map figure ABC to figure A'B'C'?
a.translation of <-1,-2> and reflection over the line x= =1
etc. I cant show you the graph but im stuck on glide reflection for graphs.
Help please.

Well im a little confused how do i make my own graph?translate trapezoid ABCD 6 units to the left Label the translated trapezoid A'B'C'D'?

To perform a glide reflection on a graph, you need to follow these steps:

1. Start with the original figure on the graph. In this case, we have figure ABC.

2. Apply the translation by adding the translation vector <-1,-2> to the coordinates of each point of the figure. For example, if point A is (-3, 1), after the translation, it becomes (-3 - 1, 1 - 2) = (-4, -1). Do the same for the other points B and C.

3. Next, you need to perform the reflection. In this case, the reflection is over the line x = 1. To reflect a point over this line, subtract twice the x-coordinate of the point from 2. For example, if point A' is (-4, -1), after the reflection, it becomes (2 - (-4), -1) = (6, -1). Do the same for the other points B' and C'.

4. Now that you have the transformed figure A'B'C', you can compare it to the original figure ABC to determine which glide reflection can map one to the other.

In this specific example, the glide reflection with a translation of <-1,-2> and a reflection over the line x = 1 will map figure ABC to figure A'B'C'.