She also told me that I need to write as well as I speak, and I agree with her.

She also told me that I needed to write as well as I spoke, and I agree with her.
Which on is correct? This is for a paper and it is supposed to be in past tense.

For past tense, use the second sentence.

Thank you

Both sentences are grammatically correct, but they convey slightly different meanings.

The first sentence, "She also told me that I need to write as well as I speak," is in the present tense. It implies that the person who told you believes that it is an ongoing or timeless requirement for you to be able to write as well as you speak.

The second sentence, "She also told me that I needed to write as well as I spoke," is in the past tense. It suggests that at the time when she told you, she believed that it was necessary for you to be able to write as well as you spoke.

Since you mentioned that your paper should be in past tense, the second sentence would be more appropriate. However, it ultimately depends on the context and the intended meaning you wish to convey in your paper.