9x +5y=34


solve by elimination


You need to eliminate a variable so first pick either x or y to eliminate. I'll choose y. To eliminate y from the equations, you need to multiply by numbers that will give you zero y when you add the equations together:
40x-10y=-10 See how when you multiplied the top eq by 2, you got 10y, and when you mult the bottom eq by 5 you got -10y? Now they'll cancel when you add the two eq together
58x=58 divide by 58
x=1 Now take this and substitute it for x in one of the eq at the beginning to get the value of y.
5y=35 subtracting 9 from both sides
y=7 dividing both sides by 5
So the answer is (1,7)
If you have more questions please respond to this post.

Sorry, silly error...



-7x + 5y=-34

You messed up. It is (1,5) not (1,7)

To solve the given system of equations using elimination, we need to eliminate one variable by adding or subtracting the equations. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Multiply one or both equations by suitable coefficients to make the coefficients of one of the variables in both equations equal. In this case, we can eliminate the x-variable by multiplying the first equation by 8 and the second equation by 9:

8 * (9x + 5y) = 8 * 34
9 * (8x - 2y) = 9 * (-2)

Simplifying the above equations, we get:

72x + 40y = 272
72x - 18y = -18

Step 2: Rearrange the equations in a way that when the equations are added or subtracted, one variable cancels out. In this case, we can eliminate the x-variable by subtracting the second equation from the first:

(72x + 40y) - (72x - 18y) = 272 - (-18)

Simplifying the equation, we get:

58y = 290

Step 3: Solve the equation obtained in the previous step for the variable that remains. In this case, solving for y:

58y = 290
y = 290/58
y = 5

Step 4: Substitute the value of the variable found in the previous step back into one of the original equations to solve for the remaining variable. In this case, substituting y = 5 into the first equation:

9x + 5(5) = 34
9x + 25 = 34
9x = 34 - 25
9x = 9
x = 9/9
x = 1

Therefore, the solution to the given system of equations is x = 1 and y = 5.