The equation of the line is 6y+5x=15

The point (-12,k) lies on the line. Find the value of k.


To find the value of k, we can substitute the given coordinates (-12, k) into the equation of the line and solve for k.

Substituting the x-coordinate -12 and the y-coordinate k into the equation 6y + 5x = 15, we get:

6k + 5(-12) = 15

Simplifying, we have:

6k - 60 = 15

Adding 60 to both sides of the equation, we get:

6k = 15 + 60

6k = 75

Finally, dividing both sides by 6, we find:

k = 75/6

Simplifying the fraction, we have:

k = 12.5

Therefore, the value of k when the point (-12, k) lies on the line 6y + 5x = 15 is k = 12.5.

To find the value of k when the point (-12, k) lies on the line 6y + 5x = 15, we can substitute the x and y values of the point into the equation and solve for k.

Substituting the x and y values of the point (-12, k), we have:
6(k) + 5(-12) = 15

Now we can simplify the equation and solve for k:
6k - 60 = 15
6k = 15 + 60
6k = 75
k = 75/6
k ≈ 12.5

Therefore, the value of k is approximately 12.5 when the point (-12, k) lies on the line 6y + 5x = 15.

Substitute -12 in for x in the above equation and solve for y.

6y-60=15 simplifying
6y=75 adding 60 to both sides
y=12.5 dividing both side by 6.