which sample of matter is a mixture ?


NaCl(aq) is a homogeneous mixture; i.e., a solution.

To determine which sample of matter is a mixture, we need to understand what a mixture is. A mixture is a combination of two or more substances that are not chemically bonded together and can be separated through physical means.

Let's analyze each option:

(1) H2O(s) - This represents solid water or ice. It is a pure substance, not a mixture. Therefore, it is not the answer.

(2) H2O(l) - This represents liquid water. Like solid water, it is also a pure substance, not a mixture. So, it is not the answer.

(3) NaCl(l) - This represents liquid sodium chloride. Sodium chloride is a compound, not a mixture. Therefore, it is not the answer.

(4) NaCl(aq) - This represents an aqueous solution of sodium chloride, meaning it is dissolved in water. Since it involves two substances, sodium chloride and water, it is considered a mixture. Therefore, option (4) is the correct answer.

In summary, the sample of matter that is a mixture is NaCl(aq).