Miranda’s Financial aid stipulates that her tuition not exceed $1500. If her college charges a $125 registration fee plus $475 per course, what is the greatest number of courses for which she can register?

125 + 475x <= 1500

To find the greatest number of courses Miranda can register for without exceeding her financial aid stipulation, we need to calculate the total cost of tuition.

Let's assume she registers for 'x' number of courses.

The registration fee is a fixed cost of $125, and the cost per course is $475.

Total tuition cost = registration fee + (cost per course * number of courses)
Total tuition cost = $125 + ($475 * x)
Total tuition cost = $125 + 475x

According to Miranda's financial aid stipulation, her tuition should not exceed $1500.

So, we can write the equation as:

$125 + 475x ≤ $1500

To solve for x, we can subtract $125 from both sides of the inequality:

475x ≤ $1500 - $125
475x ≤ $1375

Now divide both sides by 475 to solve for x:

x ≤ $1375 / 475
x ≤ 2.89

Since we cannot have a fraction of a course, Miranda can register for a maximum of 2 courses.

Therefore, the greatest number of courses for which she can register is 2.

To find the maximum number of courses Miranda can register for, we need to determine how much of her financial aid can be allocated towards the tuition.

Let's break down the costs involved in registering for courses:

- Registration fee: $125
- Cost per course: $475

Miranda's financial aid stipulates that her tuition cannot exceed $1500. Therefore, the total amount she can spend on tuition is:

$1500 - $125 (registration fee) = $1375

To find the maximum number of courses Miranda can register for, we divide the amount she can spend on tuition by the cost per course:

$1375 ÷ $475 = 2.8947 courses

Since courses cannot be divided into fractions, Miranda can register for a maximum of 2 courses.

Remember to always round down when dealing with courses, as you cannot register for a fraction of a course.