Write five sentences about the role of education in successful financial planning in the spaces on the following page. Correctly use a different verb tense in each sentence.

Highlight each verb in yellow and identify the tense in parentheses.

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My role of educatiion is to achieve my goal in life with my masters degree.

1. Education plays a crucial role in successful financial planning (present tense) as it equips individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills to make informed financial decisions.

2. A well-rounded education can help individuals develop a long-term financial strategy (future tense) by teaching them about budgeting, investing, and managing debt.
3. In the past, many people lacked access to financial education, which limited their ability to effectively plan for their financial future (past tense).
4. Continuous education in personal finance can ensure that individuals stay up-to-date (present progressive tense) with the latest trends and strategies in financial planning.
5. Through education, individuals can gain confidence (present tense) in their financial decision-making abilities, enabling them to secure a more stable future.