Krispy Krunch cereal is 49% sugar. about how many ounces of sugar are in a 16 oz box of Krispy Krunch?

To find out how many ounces of sugar are in a 16 oz box of Krispy Krunch cereal, we need to calculate 49% of 16 ounces.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal.
49% = 49 / 100 = 0.49

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total ounces of the cereal.
0.49 * 16 = 7.84

Therefore, there are about 7.84 ounces of sugar in a 16 oz box of Krispy Krunch cereal.

To find out how many ounces of sugar are in a 16 oz box of Krispy Krunch cereal, you can use the percentage given.

Step 1: Convert the percentage to a decimal. Divide the percentage by 100.
49% ÷ 100 = 0.49

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the total weight of the cereal box.
0.49 × 16 oz = 7.84 oz

Therefore, there are approximately 7.84 ounces of sugar in a 16 oz box of Krispy Krunch cereal.

How many ounces are in a sixteen ounce box

16 * 0.49 = 7.84 ounces

In other words, this cereal is almost half sugar.