Explain why 1/8 is greater than 1/10, but less than 1/3.

Because 1/8’ths denominator is less than 1/10 and more than 1/3

Convert these fractions to equivalent fractions with the same denominator.


To compare fractions, we need to find a common denominator. The lowest common denominator for 1/8, 1/10, and 1/3 is 120.

1/8 = 15/120 (because 15 x 8 = 120)
1/10 = 12/120 (because 12 x 10 = 120)
1/3 = 40/120 (because 40 x 3 = 120)

Now, we can see that 15/120 is greater than 12/120 but less than 40/120.

Therefore, 1/8 is greater than 1/10 but less than 1/3.

To understand why 1/8 is greater than 1/10 but less than 1/3, we need to compare their decimal representations.

To find the decimal equivalent of a fraction, divide the numerator (top number) by the denominator (bottom number).

For the fraction 1/8, dividing 1 by 8 yields 0.125. Rounded to three decimal places, it is 0.125.

For the fraction 1/10, dividing 1 by 10 results in 0.1, which is the exact decimal representation.

Lastly, for the fraction 1/3, dividing 1 by 3 gives us the decimal 0.333... (it is a repeating decimal, but we can round it to 0.333 for simplicity).

Now, let's compare the decimals.

0.1 is smaller than 0.125, so 1/10 is less than 1/8.

However, 0.1 is larger than 0.0333, so 1/10 is greater than 1/3.

Therefore, we can conclude that 1/8 is greater than 1/10 and less than 1/3.