which empire was dominant? was it Greek or Egypt??

They were each dominant -- but not at the same time.

which was more dominant?

i put egypt??

You'd need to define dominant. Also, please specify a time period.

To determine which empire was dominant between Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt, we can evaluate various aspects of each civilization, including their territorial extent, cultural influence, military power, and lasting legacy.

1. Territorial Extent: Ancient Egypt had a more centralized and expansive empire, covering a large portion of the northeastern corner of Africa, including present-day Egypt, Sudan, and parts of modern-day Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, and Israel. In comparison, Ancient Greece consisted of many independent city-states, such as Athens and Sparta, which competed for influence and territory throughout the Mediterranean region.

2. Cultural Influence: Both civilizations made significant contributions to art, literature, philosophy, and science. Ancient Greece is known for its enduring influence on Western civilization, with philosophers like Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle shaping philosophical thought. Greek mythology, drama, and architecture also left a lasting impact. Ancient Egypt, on the other hand, is renowned for its monumental architecture, such as pyramids and temples, and hieroglyphic writing system. It greatly influenced surrounding cultures and civilizations, such as Nubia and the later Hellenistic period after Alexander the Great's conquests.

3. Military Power: In terms of military strength, Ancient Egypt had a powerful army, with chariots, archers, and heavily armed infantry. However, Egypt's strength lay more in defense and maintaining control over its territories, rather than aggressive expansion. In contrast, Ancient Greece was known for its formidable hoplite infantry, advanced naval tactics, and city-state militias. The Greek city-states engaged in frequent warfare, such as the Persian Wars, the Peloponnesian War, and campaigns led by Alexander the Great.

4. Lasting Legacy: While both civilizations had an enduring impact, the influence of Ancient Greece is more pronounced. Greek architecture, literature, philosophy, and democratic ideals spread throughout the Ancient Mediterranean and laid the foundation for Western civilization. In contrast, Ancient Egypt's cultural influence declined following the conquest of Alexander the Great, eventually being assimilated into Hellenistic culture.

Considering these factors, it can be argued that while Ancient Egypt had a larger territorial extent and military strength, Ancient Greece had a more profound and lasting cultural influence, making it the more dominant civilization in terms of its historical legacy.