What role do condensation nuclei play in condensation? (cloud flormation)

I did some research and found that the condensation nuclei attract water and produce condensation so would that mean my answer would be something like 'that the condensation nuclei help to form the condensation by attracting water and forming it?'

Please refer to your later post, which I saw first.


Yes, you are on the right track! Condensation nuclei play an essential role in the process of condensation, particularly in cloud formation.

Condensation nuclei are tiny particles such as dust, smoke, or salt particles suspended in the air. These particles act as surfaces upon which water vapor can condense. When the air becomes saturated with water vapor, meaning it has reached its maximum capacity to hold moisture, the presence of condensation nuclei provides the necessary surface for the water vapor to form liquid water droplets.

The process begins when water molecules in the air collide with these nuclei. These collisions cause the water vapor to lose energy and undergo a phase change, transforming from a gaseous state to a liquid state. This transformation forms tiny water droplets on the surface of the condensation nuclei, effectively producing condensation.

In the context of cloud formation, condensation nuclei facilitate the formation of cloud droplets. As warm, moist air rises and cools, the water vapor within it begins to condense onto the numerous condensation nuclei present in the air. The water droplets continue to condense and grow in size, ultimately forming visible clouds.

So, to sum it up, the condensation nuclei help to initiate and facilitate the condensation process by providing a surface for water vapor to transform into liquid water droplets, which is crucial for cloud formation.